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 Driver's view of the line

Photo:- Robert Davies:-"Of Time and The Railway"



This page updated 30th August 2024

SARPA is the local rail users group for the Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth line running from the English border through Montgomeryshire to the coast of North Ceredigion and ending up in the increasingly important University (and Welsh Government administration ) town of Aberystwyth. We exist to preserve and promote the line so that there is a more sustainable transport system for future generations. SARPA is one of the more active rail user groups in Wales and we are continually campaigning on various issues from train times and frequency to station maintenance. We welcome comments from anybody about the rail service in Mid Wales.

Transport for Wales rail services were brought under Welsh Government control from February 2021. The takeover from KeolisAmey has taken place with day-to-day services now run by a publicly-owned company. This follows significant falls in passenger numbers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

KeolisAmey will continue to be involved in operations, particularly in the South Wales region.

Former British Railways Eastern Region manager, the late Gerard Fiennes pointed out very correctly that "the railway is judged by the comfort, speed, convenience, safety, punctuality and economy of its services".

With its single line of way and an fairly intensive service, the Cambrian is quite a challenge for operators and a pitfall for those who are innocent of what they are letting themselves in for! After some time in the doldrums, there are signs that TfW are at last getting a grip on matters Cambrian. It is encouraging that reliability has improved and this is a key factor which will motivate people back to the railway after the hiatus of the Covid pandemic.

Nevertheless, a theme which is repeated at various stakeholder meetings is that of overcrowding and lack of capacity. Indeed, it has even been suggested that there is not much point in publicising the merits of the route if there is no space on trains for extra passengers. TfW clearly still has some way to go, though there are signs that the rolling stock problems which have plagued the operator throughout Wales for some time are at last being solved, albeit slowly.

As a group we remain somewhat unhappy that the new Class 197 units proposed for this line have less seats than the vehicles they will replace. We are not confident that they will answer in the longer term, given that an enhanced service which is promulgated to go full hourly will encourage more people to use the train, by virtue of the improved frequency. Twenty years ago, the provision of trains with just two cars was becoming unacceptable due to increased frequency of overcrowding. It was the cause of much dissatisfaction with the then operator, Arriva Trains Wales. TfW needs to learn from this and put in place the capacity which is needed for future growth. A belated response to very crowded trains will only damage their reputation.

Meanwhile Network Rail have put in much effort to upgrade the route. This investment is well overdue and we should not forget that the Cambrian Lines were earmarked for complete shutdown just over fifty years ago, as part of a secret closure programme being considered by Edward Heath's government. The work has meant much disruption to services, which hopefully will decrease but the Cambrian has not had this much spent on it since the 1920s.


With the recent proposed cuts to services on the Cambrian, SARPA is more important than ever. After extensive enquiries, I found that the Welsh Government ordered Transport for Wales to make cuts without any consideration of the Welsh Government's policies or aspirations - that is, without considering communities, the environment, people's ability to get to work, rural deprivation, the Welsh language, the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act etc. Following much campaigning by SARPA and others, a number of the proposed cuts for the Cambrian have been cancelled. However, Transport for Wales continues to consider several cuts to services: not running a full hourly service on the main Cambrian line between October and February, cancelling the first service of the day from Barmouth to Machynlleth and cancelling the last trains on the coast line during January and February.

SARPA opposes breaking promises, isolating people and communities, forcing people to move or learn to drive and reducing investment in some of the poorest areas in Europe. We have also raised concerns about the Welsh language, effects on the ability of Aberystwyth University and Bronglais Hospital to recruit, environmental impacts and an adverse impact on the number of passengers who would use the remaining services. Therefore, SARPA will continue to argue for the complete abolition of the cuts.

Jeff Smith
Cadeirydd SARPA/SARPA Chair
July 2024

Note that this message was written and submitted prior to the 4th July General Election.

You can see what we said about the railway industry in the past by clicking on this link to our archive page. We have archived all the newsletters back to November 2001.

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Please note that hyperlinks included in the text throughout this site are intended for the benefit and information of our visitors. We try to include links that will be helpful for the understanding of railway terminology. They do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation on our part.

Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Passengers Association (SARPA)
   c/o Arosfa,   7 Railway Terrace,  Heol y Doll,  Machynlleth,  Powys,  SY20 8BJ  Wales,  United Kingdom
© SARPA 2005-2024
All Rights Reserved
Website:- Angus Eickhoff