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  Aims page updated 12 January 2022

SARPA's Aims & Objectives

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1)   That the railway is run in the most efficient and cost effective manner: we firmly believe that multiple contractual interfaces between numerous fragmented operators is not the best way to achieve this as the last ten years since privatisation amply demonstrates. The achievement of our other aims will be easier and cheaper to achieve if this fundamental is got right.

2)   That seating capacity on all trains is sufficient for existing demand and to cater for growth, which has been sustained over a very long period of time.

3)   That up to date real time information is available at all stations

4)   That a minimum standard of station facility in terms of specification for waiting shelters; provision of information; usable car parking facilities; cleanliness (both platform and whole station environment) and lighting are both set and adhered to.

5)   That there are sufficient platform and on board staff to cater properly for passenger needs.

6)   That there is proper integration with bus services both physically and by ticketing. In a rural area running both bus and train services as one entity has great advantages and may help facilitate Aim 5.

7)   That track capacity is sufficient to maintain efficiently the punctuality of the service and accommodate an hourly passenger service as well as being able to support freight and charter train movements.

8)   That the timetable designed around transport needs relating to wider policy objectives this includes:
i   A morning commuter train into Shrewsbury (and return).
ii   Proper connections with the coast line at Dovey Junction/Machynlleth.
iii   Sufficient recovery time built into schedules to allow for holding of late running connections.
iv   A morning commuter train into Aberystwyth (and return).
v   Connections of less than 25 minutes wait at Shrewsbury in all directions.
vi   Robust cross platform connections to London preferably at Shrewsbury.

9)   The reopening of stations at Bow St (Ceredigion), Carno (Powys) and Hanwood (Shropshire).

10)   That journey times are not in excess of two hours between Aberystwyth and Shrewsbury.

11)   That rolling stock is appropriate for longer distance passengers that make up most of the users of the line and that trolley facilities are available on the majority of services.

12)   That Internal decor and maintenance of rolling stock are of a high acceptable standard.

13)   That an easy to understand, transparent fare system is put in place that encourages travel. Including:
i   Adult group travel discounts.
ii   The easing of restrictions of cheap day returns in winter.
iii   Consistency with fare levels in other parts of the country
iv   A zonal system for travel.
v   Proper Integration with local and Traws Cymru bus services.

14)   That full usage of the line is properly recorded by the full collection of fares.

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Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Passengers Association (SARPA)
   c/o Arosfa,   7 Railway Terrace,  Heol y Doll,  Machynlleth,  Powys,  SY20 8BJ  Wales,  United Kingdom
© SARPA 2005-2025
All Rights Reserved
Website:- Angus Eickhoff